Thursday, June 4, 2015

All things aren't perfect!

At my house, things aren't always just right. I have friends and acquaintances whose towels are folded perfectly with no edges showing, neatly stacked. Dishes are all put in their proper places, nesting properly, lids all arranged according to size and shape. Every piece of laundry is folded perfectly and placed in dresser drawers with precision and some even have color coded closets. Book shelves are orderly and no book is out of place, all lined up with their edges flush with the shelf edge.

Well, not so in our home, and I absolutely wouldn't have it any other way. You see, I don't always fold the towels or put them away. My husband often does laundry for me and yes he folds and puts them away. Often we are at the table folding laundry together, talking...He helps me in so many ways and always has. Our children's clothing wasn't always placed perfectly neat in their little dressers. And that was okay, because they were placed there with love.

I learned as the years went by not to stress over things that ultimately were just not important at all. I relaxed and enjoyed his help around the house. I learned that saying, "Babe, that's not right" hurt his feelings and made everything he had done and every effort he had made seem that it was insignificant to me. It wasn't. It was huge. It was appreciated. So in the early years when it wasn't perfect, I accepted it and didn't change it.

Now, he helps me more than ever because of that. He's gone this evening to Men's conference, but not before he helped me with laundry and vacuuming. He keeps our yard nice, keeps gas in our car and truck. I have not pumped gasoline in 20 years. He takes care of everything so I never break down while driving. He keeps me safe. He loves me. Now isn't that worth wonky towels, and uneven washcloth stacks? Does it really matter if the top button of every shirt he hangs up isn't buttoned? Will the house fall in if everything isn't perfect? No...what matters is that I am blessed beyond measure with a husband who helps me daily, loves our children, prays for them and for me.

His love is enduring. It's ever steady and always strong. And that, my friend, is one thing in my home that IS perfect!

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